New test4

June 28, 2024
12:00 am
Mitchelton Football Club, Teralba Park, Osborne Rd, Everton Park
4 a side
Mixed gender football
Social football
Outdoor football
Join this game
Mitchelton Football Club
Teralba Park, Osborne Rd, Everton Park
Please bring a light shirt and a dark shirt to split up teams. Meet 10 mins before kick-off at pitch [SPECIFY WHICH PITCH]. Rotate goalies regularly unless there’s a dedicated goalie. We play with no referee so no slide tackles and call your own fouls. The game will go ahead with [INSERT NUMBER] players.
If you can’t make it, please ensure you remove your name from the list ASAP. No spot selling. As per Footy Mates’ policy, if you cancel less than 24 hours prior to a game, you will forfeit your game fee. If the game is cancelled, the host will communicate at 12 hours prior, and you will be issued with a credit.